A very scarce variety of the J.C. Wilson pioneer patriotic postcard, WLS-P02 Type I P-9, has been added. This variety has uncoloured address panels with rounded ends instead of square ends. The variety was not known to Henry Gates, but had been previously identified by another dedicated J.C. Wilson collector, and is something I have only recently acquired.
This example of the WLS-P09 Type I “Soldiers of the Queen” design has been used by St. Luke’s Church Bible Class, on Montreal on March 1st, 1900, commemorating the involvement of classmates injured in the Boer War. The card states:
“Fall In! Dear Friends, Scholars, Past and Present Members of the Class, will kindly attend at ___, on Sunday, March 4, to express our sympathy and admiration for the three members of the Class who fought in the late action at Paardeberg, South Africa. Two of the Scholars are reported wounded. Come, and bring a friend!Yours Sincerely, Henry J. Dart. God Save the Queen!”
A hand-written notation on the card notes “one has since died”.